If you believe your testosterone levels are low, what is the first thing you do? The logical thinking of most men is to go to the doctor and get artificial testosterone treatments. These can certainly help but are often dangerous and unnecessary.
Nutrition is at the foundation of proper testosterone management. If you want to stay healthy over the long term, then you need to look at what you are eating.
Such is the importance of having a solid diet above all else that supplements and even a good exercise plan cannot replace an efficient diet. Not to mention the harmful side effects of testosterone treatments. Nutrition is a much safer, cheaper and healthier way to go.
The first thing you’re going to do? Identify foods that are high in monounsaturated and saturated fats that are best suited to supporting testosterone synthesis, jump into the list below and start eating more of the foods mentioned; it may be your fastest way to success.

1. Whole Eggs
High cholesterol is a serious business, as it can significantly increase your risk of heart disease. Eggs have been (or at least the yolks in particular) unfairly villainized due to their high fat content, with many medical “professionals” advising consumption of egg whites only.
However, the fat in eggs is not the real problem here. Rather, it is an all-around poor lifestyle and diet, especially when including lots of artificial fructose sugars that increase the risk of heart disease and hypercholesterolemia significantly.
Eggs are a nutritional powerhouse, being complete proteins, and containing essential saturated and monounsaturated fats needed for testosterone synthesis. In addition to this, the yolks contain important vitamin D, strongly associated with higher testosterone levels.
Eggs are also a great protein source for bulking and building muscle.
Eggs are arguably the cheapest, and easiest dietary change to implement that can help to skyrocket your testosterone levels, so why wouldn’t you?
2. Macadamia Nuts
You may have heard that nuts are a great snack food for munching on between meals to help keep you satisfied, but what you may not realize is the fact that many different types of nuts may be sabotaging your testosterone levels.
Why is this? Because most of them are rich sources of polyunsaturated fats. While these fats aren’t bad per se, they tend to be appreciated by people with a fanatical obsession with “heart health,” and who are less concerned about their endocrine health.
Not macadamia nuts though. A 100 g serving of macadamia nuts nets a massive 76 g of fat, of which over 75% consists of monounsaturated fat, with another 20% being saturated, and the small remainder the polyunsaturated type. Not to forget macadamia nuts do have a commendable 8 g of protein per hundred grams, and you have a general muscle builder at your disposal.
These nuts are by nature “nut” friendly, so have a couple daily for best results. Brazil nuts also can also help raise testosterone levels as they contain selenium.
3. Avocados
These unique, fat heavy fruits stand out for a reason – they can supercharge your testosterone levels in a way no other fruit can. Extremely rich in monounsaturated, and to a lesser extent saturated fat, regular avocado consumption is a solid insurance plan for your precious testosterone.
Added to the fact that they contain many important micro-minerals such as zinc and magnesium which support testosterone biosynthesis, and what you have is a rich, creamy and delicious fruit that can be incorporated into many meals.
4. Grass Fed Beef
You have probably heard about the phrase grass fed thrown about quite a few times, but never fully understood what it meant. Grass-fed animals are those that have not been fed grains or corn, and retain a superior amino acid profile. Yes, the protein you get from grass-fed animals differs from the meat you get from animals kept in confinement throughout their life.
In addition to this, grass-fed beef is arguably the number one source of protein in the world, supporting your quest for muscle if that is your primary goal. Not to mention beef is extremely rich in saturated and monounsaturated fat, which is the type of fat associated with the most notable testosterone increases. You should definitely eat a lot of protein after a workout to make sure that you boost testosterone levels and maximize your gains.
Last but not least? Grass-fed animals are typically considered organic, as they are not fed with products treated with pesticides that are known endocrine disruptors. Grass-fed beef for the win!
5. Coconut Oil
Over the past ten years, coconut oil has experienced a glorious resurgence and taken its rightful place as one of the healthiest foods in the world. Okay, while not “technically” food, but rather a useful part of a healthy diet, the benefits of coconut oil consumption are seemingly never-ending.
From improving cognitive function to helping you achieve a state of ketosis (if you are also embarking on a low-carb diet), to oil pulling for superior oral health, coconut oil is truly miraculous.
Coconut oil consists primarily of saturated fat, helping to improve the production of both testosterone and thyroid hormone, meaning that your metabolic rate improves and you may actually lose more weight while consuming fat. Plus, as you may have figured by now, saturated fat does not unwittingly increase your risk of heart disease, unless you have an extremely poor lifestyle and diet.
The easiest way to get more coconut oil in your diet? Cook with it! Stop using those unhealthy vegetable oils which are horrible for your health, and use coconut oil, olive oil and grass-fed butter instead. Both are extremely stable at high temperatures, making them ideal for cooking. Plus, you can explore an entirely new range of tastes and flavors not offered by vegetable oils.
Related: Vitamins B6, B12 and Testosterone
Foods That Increase Testosterone – The Verdict
The foods mentioned above are amongst the cream of the crop and can help you to see massive improvements in your testosterone levels. Keep in mind not all fat is testosterone-friendly, one such example being omega-3 fatty acids from tuna, which even though very healthy will not do much in terms of supporting your hormonal health.