Test Freak vs Nugenix (Our Full Comparison)

The choice of testosterone boosters in today’s market are many. Two of the leading names in the T-boosting market are Test Freak and Nugenix Free Testosterone Booster (FTB) 

These products claim to boost your energy levels, improve your mood, and most importantly, help you build muscle. 

How well do these claims stand under intense scrutiny? Let’s take a look. 

Our Top Testosterone Booster

TestoPrime is currently our No.1 Ranked Testosterone Booster. It has the most effective ingredients formula on the market according to our research and testing.

Comparison at a Glance 

Looking at the comparison with a bird’s eye view, we can say: 

  • Test Freak helps with boosting testosterone levels that will give you more energy, and stamina. Plus it will help you build muscle strength and mass. 
  • Nugenix FTB is a great work-out supplement, but doesn’t do much by way of increasing testosterone. 

See Also: Comparison of TestoFuel and Test-Freak

Ingredients Comparison 

Test Freak and Nugenix FTB share very little in common. The only common ingredients between the two are Vitamin B6 and Zinc. 

You can see by looking at the list below that Test Freak has more ingredients.  

Before we can decide which product is effective, we must examine the shared and exclusive ingredients of each product. 

Shared Ingredients 

1. Vitamin B6 

2. Zinc 

Many studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of Vitamin B6 and Zinc in T-boosting and bodybuilding. 

Vitamin B6 deficiency is linked with a reduced rate of synthesis of testosterone. According to a study published in ScienceDirect, this lack of synthesis was observed in male rats.  

This means, a lack of Vitamin B6 renders your body unable to form testosterone inevitably leading to low T-levels. Another study published in PubMed links Vitamin B6 deficiency with depression. Hence Vitamin B6 is needed to maintain moods

Zinc is an excellent source of testosterone production. According to a study published in PubMed showed solid links between zinc deficiency and low T-levels. Two other studies on MDPI and Sage Journals associated zinc with improved immunity and sleep respectively. 

In other words, Zinc is a powerful ingredient that builds your immunity, gives you good sleep, and boosts testosterone

Exclusive Ingredients 

Test Freak 

  1. Magnesium 
  1. Fenugreek 
  1. Tribulus 
  1. Saw Palmetto 
  1. Stinging Nettle 
  1. Resveratrol 
  1. Li Meng/Lemon 
  1. Roman Chamomile 

Amongst Test Freak’s 8 exclusive ingredients, magnesium and fenugreek seems to be the most potent

Magnesium is involved in at least 300 bodily reactions. According to a study published on PubMed Central, magnesium has a positive influence in the production of testosterone. Another study published in the SpringerLink reported increased production of free testosterone after magnesium intake. Magnesium is also linked with better sleep, and stronger immunity, according to studies published in the National Library of Medicine. 

The International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism (IJSNEM) published a study on the effects of Fenugreek. The results of the study showed that subjects who took fenugreek showed a positive change in T-levels, and body fat. PubMed also published a study that linked fenugreek ingestion with maintaining healthy testosterone levels. 

In short, both magnesium and fenugreek play a prominent role in boosting and maintaining testosterone levels, improving immunity and sleep quality

The next in line for potency is resveratrol. This is a plant-based ingredient like fenugreek and has proven to improve muscle strength, and heart functioning according to a study in the Journal of Physiology. However most noteworthy, resveratrol also enhances testosterone as seen in a study published on SpringerLink. 

The remaining ingredients, which are also plant-based, do not have any direct connection to boosting T-levels. But some of them provide some benefit or the other

For example, stinging nettle contains many vital vitamins, minerals, and fats in them. Some studies published in PubMed associate stinging nettle with reducing enlarged prostate symptoms. Other potential benefits include lower blood pressure, and control of blood sugar levels. 

Roman Chamomile can help to improve the quality of sleep and strengthens immunity according to a study published on PubMed Central. 

The studies that are available on Saw Palmetto point to evidence of no positive influence on testosterone levels. The aforementioned research, which was published on IJSNEM, clearly says that it is ineffective. 

Tribulus extract does not have any effect on exercise performance or testosterone levels according to separate research published on PubMed (Study 1Study 2). 

Lemon is said to help with weight loss, and maintain a healthy heart, but there isn’t much scientific evidence to back up these claims. 

Nugenix FTB 

  1. Vitamin B12 
  1. Nugenix Free Testosterone Complex 
  1. L-citrulline Malate 
  1. Fenugreek extract 
  1. Fenuside/Testofen 
  1. Tribulus extract 
  1. Magnesium Stearate 
  1. Gelatin 

Vitamin B12 is a super nutrient that improves heart health, bone strength and elevates mood. These are vital facets to maintaining fitness levels. 

Three separate studies published on PubMed Central (123) show the links between Vitamin B12 and our heart, bones and mood. Our bodies cannot naturally produce Vitamin B12, so having outside help through supplements is helpful. 

Nugenix FTB’s next main ingredients come in the form of a proprietary blend

The first ingredient, L-citrulline Malate is an amino acid that can decrease fatigue and increase endurance during exercise, according to studies published on PubMed. It is also said to reduce blood pressure, but research shows conflicting reports. 

FenugreekFenuside, and Testofen are essentially fenugreek extracts. As highlighted earlier, fenugreek helps with boosting T-levels and positively impacting body fat percentage. Tribulus extractmagnesium stearate, and gelatin has no impact on T-levels whatsoever. However Gelatin can help with weight loss and sleep quality

A Major Caveat 

Looking at Nugenix FTB’s ingredients list, we mentioned a proprietary blend. The issue with proprietary blends is the lack of transparency. Since a proprietary blend is a combination of different ingredients with varying dosages, you never know how much of each ingredient you’re ingesting. The label indicates the total amount of each ingredient but not individual dosages. 

Proprietary blends are generally safe, but you don’t know if you’re overdosing on any given ingredient. You could adversely affect your health or you could face severe allergic reactions

This is not an issue that is unique to Nugenix. Test Freak also uses a proprietary blend. Their official website includes a “US-only” product which lists three proprietary blends on the label. Hence you need to take precautions before consuming any T-boosting supplement. 

See a great Nugenix Alternative.

Ingredients Verdict 

Looking at the ingredients, Test Freak and Nugenix FTB include all natural and effective ingredients. 

Test Freak  

  • includes zinc, magnesium, and Vitamin B6, the holy trinity of T-boosting ingredients. Higher T-levels means greater muscle mass and strength. 
  • The rest of the ingredients, which are mostly plant-based, do help in increasing testosterone levels. 
  • Plus, it helps to improve your mood, enhance exercise performance, reduce fatigue, etc. 

The veracity of these claims are backed by enough scientific research.  

However, Test Freak includes some ingredients like Tribulus and Li-meng/Lemon which does not have any apparent or scientifically proven effect on T-levels. 

Nugenix FTB 

  • Has Vitamin B6 and B12 which aids in maintaining T-levels, improving heart health, strengthens bones and elevates mood.  
  • The ingredients included in the proprietary blend like L-citrulline Malate and Fenugreek which helps during exercise and boosting testosterone levels respectively. 

Again, Nugenix FTB also includes ingredients that have no impact on T-levels. However the other ingredients can be trusted since there is proper research available. 

Our Verdict: Test Freak edges on the ingredients front. Even though both products have proprietary blends, Test Freak has the more effective ingredients compared to Nugenix’s product

Our Top Testosterone Booster

TestoPrime is currently our No.1 Ranked Testosterone Booster. It has the most effective ingredients formula on the market according to our research and testing.

Safety & Potential Side Effects 

Both products are generally safe to use since it includes all natural and healthy ingredients. Only if you’re allergic to any ingredient would you have a problem. 

And of course there’s the proprietary blend to be cautious about. An overdose of any ingredient could lead to side effects to indigestion, diarrhea, insomnia, etc. 

Please check with your physician before taking any of these supplements.  

See also: Nugenix vs Test x180

Customer Results 

Test Freak and Nugenix generally have many positive reviews with a smattering of negative ones. 

Test Freak customers have reported increase in energy levels and muscle mass while some have reported no changes at all. A few customers have complained of body odour and sickness. 

Nugenix customers have also shared similar results in terms of more energy and stamina. Many however say nothing has changed at all. 

Manufacturing & Brand 

Test Freak is the brainchild of Alex Savva and Don Gauvreau. The parent company, PharmaFreak was founded in 2008 and is registered in British Columbia, Canada. Test Freak is a reputed company although not a lot is known about its whereabouts. 

Nugenix is manufactured by Adaptive Health LLC. The company was founded in 2009 and was known as Direct Digital LLC till the name change in 2018. They’re headquartered in North Carolina, USA and are a trustworthy name. 

Both products are not FDA-approved but the individual ingredients are. 

See also: Nugenix vs Ageless Male

Price & Value for Money 

One box of Test Freak will cost you $47.93 as listed on their official website and Nugenix FTB cost $69.99 per bottle. 

Each bottle comes with 30 capsules and the serving size is 4 and 3 for Test Freak and Nugenix respectively. Which means, your monthly expense for each box would be $143.79 for Test Freak and $209.97 for Nugenix FTB. 

Test Freak wins out on price and value for money since they’re the ones with the effective ingredients and the lower cost

Pros & Cons 

Test Freak 


  • Includes crucial T-boosting ingredients. 
  • Proven to increase endurance, muscle mass. 
  • Improves sleep and immunity. 
  • It cost less. 


  • Has unknown dosage in their proprietary blend. 
  • Undesirable side effects. 
  • Has ingredients with no proven effects. 

Nugenix FTB 


  • Proven effect on energy levels. 
  • Improves mood and sleep quality. 


  • More expensive. 
  • Missing key T-boosting ingredients. 
  • Includes unknown dosages in proprietary blends. 

Final Thoughts 

Test Freak comes out as the clear winner. Test Freak has the most effective ingredients, and has a price point that is relatively reasonable

Nugenix FTB has a lesser number of ingredients while missing many key testosterone boosting ingredients. 

Both products have their share of flaws however. There are a few ingredients that don’t have any proven effects on T-levels and they include proprietary blends in the mix which increases risk to your health. 

Our Top Testosterone Booster

TestoPrime is currently our No.1 Ranked Testosterone Booster. It has the most effective ingredients formula on the market according to our research and testing.

Also Read: High T Black vs Nugenix