Testo Set has been around a while, and although it has some good ingredients, the formula is not as complete as other products out there on the market.
However, it does come with a cheaper price tag, so this could be a good option if you are looking for a budget test booster.
In this review, I will go over the ingredients formula in-depth.
Table of Contents
Ingredients Analysis
Zinc (zinc chelate & zinc Monomethionine): 10mg
Zinc is a natural ingredient that used in many testosterone boosters, and the reason for that is because our system cannot possibly product testosterone without having enough Zinc. Modern Studies proved that a deficiency in this ingredient would eventually lead to low testosterone levels. I think the dosage used here is very safe, 67% of our daily value is a great number, and we can easily build it up to 100% through our everyday dietary habits.
Tribulus Terrestris fruit: 250mg
The Tribulus Terrestris fruit was used in Asian and eastern Indian countries back in the day as an herbal sexual treatment. This ingredient’s dosage is relatively high but is still very safe to take on a daily basis. This component was proven to stimulate our systems to cultivate more testosterone the natural way and without provoking any unwanted side effects. Just like other ingredients, the dosage is safe, and we’re safe to take it once we stick to the given instructions.
Epimidium sagittatum Extract (20% Lcarins) (aerial parts): 250mg
Also known as the “horny goat weed,” was used as a masculine health enhancer for centuries; this ingredient is known and proven to safely relief stress by decreasing cortisol levels, it can also improve sexual desire and stimulate certain cells responsible for the release of the testosterone in the testes. I think that this ingredient is Testo-set’s wild card. The dosage used for this ingredient is ideal and will allow a fairly safe use.
Chrysin: 150mg
Chrysin is one of those ingredients that don’t have a direct association with the desired goal (boosting testosterone levels) but including it will support the process. Studies showed and proved that this ingredient could help prevent baldness, relieve stress, treat anxiety and prevent certain types of cancer. The dosage used in the Testo-set formula is quite moderate and will not cause any side effects.
Panax Ginseng root: 150mg
This is some really powerful stuff when it comes to testosterone boosting supplements; this ingredient is associated with the enhancement of the libido, and it helps boost energy levels and decrease the constant feeling of exhaustion especially when we age. Studies have also shown that this ingredient can increase muscle cells’ growth which is great for people looking to build muscle. That being said, Panax ginseng is a natural ingredient and will impose zero risks on our bodies.
Eurycoma longifolia root extract (40% Glyco Saponins, 22% Eurypeptides): 100mg
This is a very interesting ingredient I must say; several studies have shown a direct association of the Eurycoma longifolia with sperm count and quality, they’ve also proven that it can increase libido & sex drive and reduce anxiety.
The dosage used for this ingredient is high enough to achieve results but still safe enough for the regular everyday intake.
Black pepper extract (Bioperine): 5mg
The black pepper extract is a natural neutral ingredient used to balance out the Testo-set formula. I was not able to spot any exact effects related to the Bioperine due to the lack of scientific studies conducted on this component. The dosage, however, is very low and won’t cause any unwanted side effects.
Ingredients Overview
Now that we examined all the ingredients, I think it’s safe for us to say that the Test-set can help achieve exceptional results especially for people older than 35 years. This formula has some great potential to improve sex drive/enhance it, relief all kinds of stress/anxiety and boost energy levels, BIG TIME.
Dosage Levels
The dosages used in The Testo-set’s formula were very moderate, allowing the users to achieve serious results without any risks. With that being said, sticking to the daily recommended dosage is advised to ensure a safe experience.
Testo-Set Results from Users
All I am seeing is positive reviews anywhere, I started thinking that they were spam/fake reviews but the truth is that they’re not.
Testo-Set Side Effects
People who tried this product did not mention any side effects, and the dosages used in its formula seem very safe to take on a daily basis. However, sticking to the regular daily dosage recommended by Testo-set is very important as they did mention some serious risks if used excessively. You can read our TestoBoost Pro Review to find out more
Where to Buy Testo-Set
You can find the best price for Testo-Set at their official website.
Conclusion and Recommendations
Before I wrap up this review, I must say that the Testo-set is a very economical choice when it comes to buying T-boosters. You can easily get great buy-in-bulk deals on their website which will save you a lot of money, and the suggested dosage here is pretty small (2 pills days) which is very easy to take. That being said, this testosterone booster is ideal for people aged between 35-60 yo looking to maintain their energy levels, boost their sexual functions, performance and obviously increase their testosterone levels naturally and safely. If you’re one of these people, I recommend this product.